iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

Deputy Commissioner, Dimapur, Rajesh Soundararanjan, IAS in an order stated that destruction of ecology and river bed is taking place due to rampant extraction of boulders and sand gravels in streams of Dimapur District. 

He stated that in order to preserve the rivers and its resources and to address the issue of inundation of flood water to the surrounding villages and colonies along the river bank and to avoid damage to public assets like bridges etc., extraction of resources (Sand gravels /Boulders) in the rivers and streams of Dimapur district is hereby completely banned. Special focus will be on 200 (two hundred) metres upstream and downstream from existing bridges/ culverts etc. 

Failure to adhere to the order will result in prosecution as per appropriate section of law including seizure and confiscation of machinery and equipments. The order is issued for strict compliance by all.

                                                                                    (DPRO Dimapur)