In pursuance to the “project MCH (Maternal and child health care) EKAM" under Kiphire District Aspirational programme the Deputy Commissioner Kiphire has informed that interested eligible candidates have been invited to submit their application for the following to work at District Hospital Kiphire as indicated below:
- OBG Gynecologist - 1 post.
- Salary - Rs.1, 20,000/ per month for 1st year & Rs.1, 30,000 for 2nd year.
- Duration. 2 years (can be enhance provided continuation of project).
- Qualification. MS OBG/D.G.O/MD gyanec.
- Nurses (GNM) - 6 posts.
- Salary. Rs.30, 000/ per month for 1st year & Rs.35, 000 /per month for 2nd year.
- Duration. 2 years (can be enhanced provide continuation of project)
- Qualification GNM.
So interested candidates from all over country are hereby informed to submit the application on or before 5th October 2021 to DC Office Kiphire (Aspiration Branch).
(Wangshikokla, IA Kiphire)