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Convenor, Empowered Group, Dimapur district, also the APC and Commissioner Secretary Agriculture, Y.Kikheto Sema, IAS convened a meeting of Dimapur district Core committee on 24th April 2020 in the conference Hall of hotel Saramati Dimapur.

The Committee was formed basically to oversee the preparedness for institutional Quarantine/ Observation and to facilitate the people returning to the state after the lockdown period.

In the meeting, Kikheto re-iterated that the government has been focussing more in Dimapur district owing to the fact that Nagaland would fail if Dimapur fails. To fight the pandemic, we need 4Cs, Cooperation, Coordination, Confidence and Contribution, he added. 

Secretary, Food& Civil Supplies, Honje Konyak informed that he has physically verified all the hotel's at Dimapur and highlighted on the available accommodation. 

Deputy Commissioner Dimapur, Anoop Kinchi IAS, advised the various Committee members to start planning and to start implementing their role as assigned.

The meeting also discussed for partitioning of rooms in the Government institution facility centers and also appealed to the churches through the JCF to discuss and work out whether Church Rest houses can be used as observation centers.

Various Sub-Committee's for Dimapur district has been constituted,  comprising of  Accommodation Committee with Revenue Officer, Mhalo Humstoe as the Convenor, Reception Committee with EAC Chumukedima, Thejavizo Nakhro as Convenor, Transportation Committee with AGM,NST, Thomas as Convenor, Control Room/ Grievances Cell with General Manager NIC  Tokugha Achumi as Convenor, Fooding Committee with EAC, Avonuo Kire as Convenor, Media and Publicity Committee with DPRO, Lolano Patton as Convenor, Water Supply Committee I/c Er.Vikeduolie E.E Rural and Urban, Power Committee I/c E.E.Power, Er.Imsankaba, Sanitation Committee I/c Albert Ezung, Administrator DMC.


(DPRO Dimapur)