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            A District level consultative committee (DLCC) meeting for Zunheboto district was held on 7th December 2023 a DC conference hall.

             Deputy Commissioner Rahul Bhanudas Mali, IAS in his short speech expressed gratitude to Dr Esther for tirelessly rendering her service in the fight against tobacco. He stated that tobacco is affecting life of many people starting from adult to elderly people and advised everyone to refrain from using any tobacco kinds. He further stated that anti-drug hospital has been proposed and expected to be established in the coming years.

Superintendent of Police Zunheboto Lupe Moza, NPS congratulated to all the staff involved and requested that certified tobacco free zone Institute and village should perform consistently in the fight against eradicating drugs abuses.

            Total of 19 Schools and 3 village namely Aghuyito, Shoixe and Zhekiye have official been certified as tobacco free zone Villages.

(DPRO & Atobo H Yeptho, IA Zunheboto)