iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

In view of the mass Casual Leave protest called by the Nagaland In-service Doctors Association (NIDA) from 18th to 20th April 2022 and in pursuance to the Office Memorandum of even number Dated 16/04/2022, a District Level Control Room has been formed for coordination and real time monitoring of the situation with Sub-Divisional Officer (Sadar), Kohima as Chairperson and the members include Chief Medical Officer, Kohima; Medical Superintendent, NHAK; Additional Superintendent of Police, Kohima and District Public Relations Officer, Kohima.

It is also informed that the Control Room/ District Helpline may be contacted at +91 6033833879 for any assistance on health care facilities.

For any medical emergencies and referrals the following may be contacted: Naga Hospital Authority Kohima (NHAK):- +918794805711

For Kohima & Tseminyu district, the following helpline Nos may be contacted:- PHC Kohima Village to contact Khrielelkhonuo Kere SN at 9856359704; UPHC Seikhazou - Khriesakuonuo Rose SN 8259023638; UPHC Porterlane  - Neimhazo Tsochu SN 7005712081; PHC Jotsoma - Pfutsono ANM 7630953534; PHC Sechu – Yatetnungla ANM 8787769561; PHC Khonoma Amhano SN 985628606; PHC Mezoma - Kevilenuo ANM 7005089346; PHC Jakhama Tosolenu SN 8974554668; PHC Kezocha - Dziesephrenuo SN 9856774759; CHC Viwema - Visebinu SN 8794265105; PHC Kimipfiiphe - Meyijungla SN 8974492352; CHC Chiephobozou - Kavita SN 8787438194; PHC Zhadima - Lathang ANM 7005838738; PHC Touphema - Merlyn SN 8132908098; PHC Botsa - Asole Kath LHV 7085685072; CHC Tseminyu - Ngalo SN 8575222747; PHC Chunlikha - Benny Tep SN 8787613246 and PHC Tesophenyu - Asha Tep ANM 8575311692.

(DPRO, Kohima)