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Poster campaign on ‘National Tobacco control’ was conducted at Kohima to create awareness to the public not to spit in public places to fight against the spread of COVID-19 on 23th June 2020.

Dr. Arenla Walling, District Nodal Officer of Tobacco Control cell, said that the campaign was to create awareness to the public not to spit smokeless tobacco in public, as spitting releases saliva in the air and on the ground that increased in the risk of spread of COVID-19, stating that It is the right time to quit chewing tobacco products for a safer and better health, as tobacco use compromises the immune system making it more challenging to fight infection. 

She also stated that chewing of tobacco such as pan and tamul could become a source of infection if handled by suspected vendors. Sharing tobacco products such as cigarettes and pipes can transmit the virus between people. Dr. Arenla also said that smokers have greater chance of transmission of virus from hand to mouth due to frequent lip touching. Adding that anyone exposed to second-hand smoke may be similarly vulnerable to COVlD-19 as tobacco users.

Dr. Arenla said that District Tobacco control cell is also putting up posters in most of the Quarantine centers in Kohima and also distributing posters in others villages at Kohima districts to create awareness of tobacco control, not to spit in public places as chewing and spitting tobacco products increase the risk of spread of COVID 19, which she further encouraged to be a responsible citizens to fight together against COVID 19.

The awareness program was organised by the District Tobacco Control cell Kohima, under the National Health Mission Department of Health and Family Welfare 


(Akamla, IA Kohima)