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The Kohima District Planning and Board (DPDB) meeting for the month of July was held at DPDB's Conference Hall on 16th July 2020 under its new DPDB Chairman, Advisor for Youth Resource and Sports, Zale Neikha. Advisor for Urban Development and Municipal Affairs, Dr. Neikiesalie Nicky Kire also attended the meeting.

Addressing the members, Er. Zale expressed his privilege to serve as DPDB chairman and added that coming together from various departments and serving as a team is a big privilege and should all work for further development of the district. 

Deputy Commissioner Kohima, Gregory Thejawelie NCS welcomed the new chairman, Er. Zale and Dr. Nicky including the members present in the meeting. He said that DPDB meeting could not be called for a gap of three months due to the lockdown in regard to Covid-19 and hoped that the day’s discussion would be fruitful.

Considering the inability to complete the action plans of the Village Adoption Committees due to the COVID pandemic in the district, Zale informed that it has been suggested to let the present Village Adoption Committees formed in 2019-2020 to continue for 2020-2021 with the same adopted villages and wards to enable them to complete their plans. Dr. Nicky also commented that it was a wise suggestion put forward, which would gives ample time to complete their plans. The house also agreed and approved the matter and informed the VACs to implement their plans successfully and submit their report for two years.

In regard to LADP for 2020-2021, DC informed that 50% of the allocation for the year has been sanctioned and the remaining LADP was presented in details as per constituencies wise, which was approved by the house.

Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr. Vezokholu also reiterated on the importance of propagating the awareness on wearing of face masks, social distancing, hand washing, cough etiquette and other safety protocol measures to prevent further spread of the infection in respective levels and areas. She also gave the updated status on positive cases detected in the district. 

(DPRO, Kohima)