iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

The full text of the statement/briefing on the preparedness for COVID-19 for Nagaland as on 4th April 2020 delivered by Principal Secretary, Home, Abhijit Sinha is as follows:

“As informed earlier the Department of Health & Family has partnered with the All Nagaland Counsellors Association (ANCA) to provide counselling services through Whatsapp and over the phone for mental health and well being during COVID-19 pandemic. Till date, 13 counselling sessions have been provided through phone calls by the Association.

Today another consignment weighing 5 tonnes of essential medical equipment from Delhi has reached Dimapur Airport, and it is being presently transported to Kohima for further distribution to the districts.

Till today at 5:00 pm, 45 samples of suspected cases have been sent for testing and results of 41 have been received which are all negative. The results of 4 samples are awaited.

A total of 3490 persons have registered in the ncovid-19 Nagaland App with full details. I once again, appeal those who have entered the State after 6th March, 2020 to self register in the App with your full details.

I again appeal today, that if there is anyone from Nagaland who has attended the religious congregation at Nizamuddhin, Delhi, and not yet contacted by us, to voluntarily come forward and report to the respective Deputy Commissioner.

Today we enter the 11th day of the lockdown, and I seek your continued cooperation and support for the same. The availability of essential goods and commodities remain comfortable. Please stay at home and come out only for buying food and other essential goods. I would like to inform that the farmers who have to come out for farming activities and farm works are also allowed to do so during the lockdown period, but care should be taken that social distancing is maintained.

I conclude by seeking everyone’s help and support in our united fight against COVID-19.”