One Day Block Level Community Mobilization Program for SMC/SMDC under EBRC Hakushang held on 25th March 2025 at CKS Hall, Tuensang.
Deputy Director, DoSE, Avino Tase in her Keynote address expressed her gratitude to the School Management of GHSS Hakushang, GHSS Thangjam and GHSS Tuensang for community initiative in Building infrastructure and Teaching Staff. She added that, community has a greater role to play in creating a better education for the students community. The Government is providing Nutrition supplement in form of mid day Meal, free school books and uniform, deworming and iron and calcium to the Government school students. She futher added that under School Education Government School students are provided with Meritorious Awards and Scholarship to the excellent students in the state.
The programme was chaired by A. Khiungmong, ToT EBRC Hakushang, welcome note by T. Thushilla Co-ordinator EBRC Hakushang, presentation on DOSE, Samagra Shiksha and NECTAR P3 and closing remarks by Tongjen Shio, ToT EBRC Hakushang. In the mobilization Program more than 150 SMC, SMDC, Parents and Teachers incharge attended.
(Chingmak, IA Tuensang)