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The New Dimapur Municipal Office was inaugurated on 20th September 2024, at the Integrated Business Hub and Innovation Centre (IBHIC), Forest Colony, by Neiphiu Rio, Chief Minister of Nagaland, as the special guest. He said that the event marked a significant step forward in enhancing the city’s administrative infrastructure and boosting civic services.

Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio  in his speech  as the special  guest called upon the newly elected Urban Local Body (ULB) councillors to take up the challenge of transforming Dimapur into a vibrant and liveable city. With high expectations from the councillors, who he described as educated, hardworking, and eager to serve, Rio emphasized the need for sincerity and deep commitment in their roles.

Rio said that It took over two decades to finally hold ULB elections, but with the support of the people of Nagaland, we did so peacefully and commended the cooperation of the citizens. He assured the councillors that the state government would provide full support to municipalities, especially through the upcoming 16th Finance Commission, which begins next year. Rio encouraged them to put forward strong proposals for development projects.

A key issue discussed was the temporary nature of the Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC) office, which currently occupies a Forest Department office managed by IDAN. Rio urged the councilors to design a new, permanent office building and submit proposals when the Finance Commission convenes and extended the state government's support of such initiatives.

Addressing immediate concerns, Rio highlighted the need for road repairs, traffic management, and town cleanliness. He announced that the government has already approved a garbage dump site for DMC, allocating 10.74 acres for Dimapur and 9.41 acres for East Dimapur. He also advised the councilors to identify sites for cemeteries, stressing the need for a burial system that accommodates the diverse tribes and religions living in Dimapur.

Rio also proposed that the councilors implement a system to generate revenue through entry and exit taxes within Dimapur. He stressed the importance of maintaining public parks, managing encroachment issues, and developing designated marketing and shopping areas to ease traffic congestion. He further suggested allowing certain shops and hotels to remain open on Sundays, given Dimapur’s role as a transit hub for travelers.

Water supply was another major concern Rio raised, noting that the widespread digging of bore wells was depleting the water table. He urged the municipal body to plan for the supply of clean and safe water, advising them to come up with a comprehensive project for government assistance.

Rio outlined broader urban development goals, including improving Dimapur’s sanitation, beautification, street lighting, and educational institutions. He emphasized the need for a master plan to elevate the city’s rankings and attract resources to sustain its growth.

“Dimapur is the commercial hub not only for Nagaland but for neighboring states as well,” Rio stated, highlighting the need for the city to generate revenue and become self-sustaining. He urged everyone to collaborate in making Dimapur the most vibrant and livable city in the region.

In closing remarks, Rio encouraged the councilors to take pride in their roles and to embrace the opportunity to lead Dimapur towards a prosperous future.

Hukheto Yepthomi, Chairman, DMC in his address, shared that the office has been functioning since last August and moving of office has created a much needed change for the DMC. The office has begun the process to digitizing its trade license branch, with plan to expand digitization efforts to other branches soon. He also mentioned that DMC is also actively participating in the Swachhta Hi Seva Campaign focusing on community engagement and awareness in cleanliness and waste management. He noted that the new office space has given new impetus to transform and the current DMC councillors understand the problems and issues of the Dimapur and are working tirelessly to tackle these issues and to take Dimapur to new heights.

MLA and Advisor for Labour, Employment & Skill Development, Excise, Moatoshi Longkumer said that it has become a reality for Dimapur, as the denizens of Dimapur have a dedicated office to serve the community. He credited the achievement to the support and leadership of Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio, highlighting the collaborative efforts that overcame many hurdles, enabling the smooth conduct of the Urban Local Body (ULB) elections.

However, Longkumer reminded the newly elected DMC members that their work has only just begun. He pointed out pressing issues, such as the need to improve roads and implement a comprehensive drainage system in Dimapur. He urged councilors to fully understand their responsibilities and work with dedication and vision to take the city forward.

Guest of honour, H. Tovihoto Ayemi, MLA and Advisor for Tribal Affairs, congratulated the councilors and expressed his delight and hailed the event as a significant achievement for the people of Dimapur.

He said that is a monumental moment for the community, Ayemi remarked, noting that it took over two decades to successfully conduct the ULB elections and establish a new office for the DMC. He expressed gratitude to Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio for his pivotal role in securing the location for the new office.

Encouraging the newly elected DMC members, Ayemi emphasized the importance of hard work and dedication. “As you take on this responsibility, I urge you to embrace the new challenges and strive for improvement,” he said, reinforcing the need for progressive action to advance the council’s objectives.

Abu Metha, Chairman of the Investment & Development Authority of Nagaland, in his speech, as one of the guests of honour highlighted the perseverance that has brought Dimapur to this moment. Reflecting on the journey, he noted that it had been one filled with legal battles and consultative meetings. However, with the unwavering support of elected members and citizens alike, a major milestone has now been achieved in the governance structure of Nagaland.

Speaking about the recent Urban Local Body (ULB) elections, Metha described them as among the most peaceful in history, thanks to the cooperation of the people. He added that, for the first time in over two decades, fully functioning ULB bodies now exist across Nagaland. A major highlight of this achievement is the implementation of 33% reservation for women, a policy that Metha said reflects the evolution of Nagaland’s culture and tradition towards greater inclusivity.

Metha remarked that Nagaland is now becoming an inclusive society where women are empowered to play vital roles in governance, and this milestone demonstrates the progress in balancing tradition with modern democratic values.

Dimapur, in particular, holds a key position in Nagaland’s future, Metha stressed. Describing the city as a “Mini India” and the gateway to ASEAN markets, he emphasized its undeniable economic potential. However, he noted that for Dimapur to realize its role as an economic hub, it requires the collective efforts of all its citizens.

He concluded by urging for unity and collaboration, stating, “If we work together, Dimapur can become a beacon of growth, leading Nagaland towards a prosperous future.”

The Inaugural program began with a dedicatory prayer led by Rev. Dr. Lima Jamir, Associate Pastor of DABA, followed by the unveiling of the plaque by Neiphiu Rio. The welcome address was delivered by I. Sentinuklu Jamir, Councilor, Dimapur Municipal Council, and words of gratitude were expressed by Imlinaro Stephanie Ezung, Deputy Chairperson of DMC. A special song was performed by NK Naga and the program was chaired by Kili N.Sumi, Councillor, DMC.


( I.Tiakumla Ao IA & Limatoshi IA, Dimapur)