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National Tobacco Control programme, Dimapur held the launching programme of a ‘60-days Tobacco-Free Youth Campaign 2.0’, an initiative of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on 24th September 2024 at DC conference Hall, Dimapur.

The campaign was launched by Deputy Commissioner of Dimapur, Dr. Tinojongshi Chang by releasing new sets of IEC materials for the campaign.

DC felicitated five Schools namely- Government Middle School Phaipijang, Government High School Sarbura, Government Primary School Kirha, Neingulie Memorial High School and Christian Mission School with Tobacco-Free School Certificate for adopting Tobacco-free Educational Institution (ToFEI) guidelines of NTCP.

Key note address was given by Dr. Moa N Jamir, District Nodal Officer, NTCP Dimapur, who informed that Tobacco Free Youth Campaign has been planned for 60 days starting from (24th September to 22nd November 2024) which aims to amplify the social media engagement. The campaign also focus on four key strategies: escalating public awareness of Tobacco’s harmful effects, enhancing compliance with Tobacco Products Act (COTPA), and promoting Tobacco Free Villages. NTCP activity report was presented by Imkumla Aier, Psychologist NTCP. The programme was attended by the District level Coordination Committee members and representatives of Schools