iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

In view of the conduct of the upcoming General Election to the 14th Nagaland Legislative Assembly, 2023 Additional Deputy commissioner (DC) Tuensang, Thungchanbemo Tungoe has constituted a Medical Board in respect of Tuensang district with the following mentioned officers to examine and issue medical certificates to the government servants who may apply for exemption from election duty on the medical ground:

ADC Tuensang as Chairman, CMO Tuensang, Dr. Keveduyi Theyo

Ph. 8415927327 - member and MO PHC Srinagesh, Dr. Weallen Chila Loyem Ph. 8415973555 - member.

Any government employee seeking exemption from election duty shall be jointly examined by the board. If the person so examined by the board is declared unfit for election duties, the specific nature of the ailment should be mentioned.

It should be noted that all applications for exemption from election duty on the medical ground shall be considered based on the recommendation of the medical board only and a medical certificate issued by any other medical officer shall not be entertained.


(DPRO Tuensang)