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The Second Phase of Skill Proficiency Management for Building and Other Construction Workers, Advanced Training of Trainers (TOT) was held at Community Hall, Chingmelen Village, Tuensang on 19th July 2024. The Training was conducted under the initiative of Zynorique Initiative Society.

Speaking on the session EAC, Tuensang, Mhathung Ngullie, motivated the trainees to use their creativity and skills to their advantage for economical self-sufficient. He added that State like Nagaland is in need of skill employment and this kind of training and support from the Government will fill the gap of unemployment in the state.

Introduction to the Training programme was imparted by Richard Belho, Chairman Zynorique Initiative Society and vote of thanks was delivered by Leongba Hd. GB Chingmelen Village.


(IA Tuensang)