The monthly meeting of District Planning and Development Board was held on 10th February 2025 at DPDB Conference Hall, Chumoukedima under the chairmanship of Advisor, Urban Development & Municipal Affairs, Zhaleo Rio.
The meeting commence with the chairman's address, where he welcomed all the members and reminded the members that they should feel privileged to be posted at a place where there is lot of challenges and yet to begin, and with the support of their initiative and effort to development in the district should come forth. He pointed that, with the support of Chief Minister, Chumoukedima district is getting importance towards the infrastructure development, hence urged all district officers to put up their proposal whether it be post creation, construction of staff quarters or any requirement of land and act fast for their respective department. He also emphasis that, department wise action plan should be systematic and take keen initiative by putting forward at a board meeting with a theme to achieve better inputs and outputs for the welfare of the people.
The meeting reviewed the last meeting agenda on Registration of Yeknak Society, Thilixu Village where the board decided to recommend the society for registration to the government. On issues of Chathe Riverbed Mining, the house highlighted on the urgent action for preserving Chathe river and came up with a decision to have a consultative meeting with the village councils and also suggested to make Documentary in Nagamese to create awareness how it has affected the quality of water for drinking and other essential purposes due to river bed mining, excavation, waste dumping and road cutting.
Other agendas discuss were Speed Regulation on National Highway within Chumoukedima district, where issues related to safety was taken up by the District Road safety Committee and the house suggested that parking on the roadside should be stopped; speed limit to maintained and parking of heavy vehicles should be prohibited. The house also discussed and approved to recommend the proposal for the creation of a separate Project Director of DRDA. It also deliberated on the need for State Disaster response force personnel, and proposal for Creation of one post of Revenue officer under Chumoukedima district Administration.
Another agenda suggested by the chairman was to propose Fire Service Station in Medziphema town under Chumoukedima district. The Water Resources Department will present a power point presentations highlighting on the programs and schemes on 'Jal Shakti Abhiyan' & 'Nari Shakti se Jal Shakti ' in the next DPDB meeting.
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by DC, Chumoukedima, Polan John, NPS.
(Tovikali, IA, Chumoukedima)