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In the light of outbreak of Corona Virus, Nagaland PHE Minister, Jacob Zhimomi convened a meeting with the Dimapur district administration, Police, Medical Department Naga Council Dimapur, Western Sumi Hoho Dimapur, Chakhroma Public Organization Food and Civil Supplies besides the elected Legislators of Dimapur district. The meeting was held in the conference hall of DC Dimapur today 7th May 2020, under the chairmanship of Jacob Zhimomi, to oversee the system put in place at Dimapur district in its fight against COVID-19 pandemic.

In the meeting, Jacob reminded that nationwide lockdown is still on and appealed to the public to refrain from unnecessary movement in town/ colonies unless urgently required for the benefit of all. Re-iterating his concern about price rise of essential commodities, Jacob reminded the district administration and DMC to keep track on the availability of essential commodities and also for effective regulation and monitoring of price of essential commodities. "Nobody has to take advantage of the situation, " he added.

Clarifying on COVID cess issue raised by NGOs, Jacob said that since the State has no internal revenue and dependent on GIA from the Central Government COVID cess has been initiated for supporting the poor, during such extra ordinary times. Further, he also expressed gratitude to the GBs and Village council for strictly manning the border areas and also asked the police/ District administration to continue to seal the border areas. Jacob expressed satisfaction about the preparedness level at Dimapur district thus far with concerted effort and cooperation of all stakeholders.

Advisor, Zhaleo Rio, while sharing his concern and observations dubbed Dimapur as the most vulnerable district for various reasons and expressed gratitude to all the frontline workers administration, police, NGOs, civil societies for their participation and support in the fight against COVID 19.

Advisor Tovihoto, observed that irrespective of political parties, all have come together to fight COVID-19, an invisible virus and asserted that all needs to fight till the end. While underlining the importance of social media as a strong medium for educating people, he  also cautioned that it misleads people with fake information and appealed to one and all from misusing social media.

MOA Moatoshi Longkumer also acknowledged the efforts put in by the citizens of Dimapur by co-operating with the District administration and police in the fight against the pandemic.

Representative from Naga Council Dimapur re-iterated their support and cooperation to the Government specially Dimapur district administration. Sharing their opinion, NCD felt that more assistance need to be given to the people stranded outside Nagaland State to ease their challenges, and to request them to stay back ( unless un-avoidable) for the interest and benefit of the state.

Representative from Chakhroma Public Organization described the present situation as people's war against the virus and felt that Government alone will not be able to defeat. " If Dimapur is not safe Nagaland is not safe, and if Government cannot safe Dimapur, Nagaland will not be safe" the president of CPO maintained.

The meeting also discussed for creating more awareness amongst the people for maintaining social distance.

Besides others, DC Dimapur, and CP Dimapur also spoke in the meeting.


(DPRO Dimapur)