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Agriculture Production Commissioner and Mission Director , Y. Kikheto Sema, IAS with a team of officers of the FOCUS-Nagaland (Fostering Climate Resilient Farming Systems in the North East –Nagaland) project held a joint meeting with the officials of FAO India (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations) led by the Country Representative, Tomio Shichiri at Nagaland House, Dr. Abdul Kalam Road, New Delhi on the 8th October 2021.  

Y. Kikheto Sema thanked the FAO officials for supporting the FOCUS-Nagaland project in the state. Putting emphasize on the importance on learning about new and innovative farming technologies for agricultural growth in the state, he appealed to the FAO to organise exposure visits of both the officers and farmers to different parts of the state, regions of the country and if possible even in other countries having similar agro climatic conditions and farming practices.

The FAO is a partner organisation in the FOCUS project and is providing various training and handholding support to key interventions planned under the project. The major activities include - preparation of training materials and conducting training of Veterinary Officers in animal production; preparation of training materials and conducting Training of Trainers in Sloping Agricultural Land Technology (SALT), Agronomy, Horticulture and Animal Husbandry; preparation of a long term weather data based agro-climatic atlas for Nagaland; development of a computerised MIS and the support and training of MIS staff in its operation; support for project monitoring and evaluation including baseline survey and endline survey with impact assessment; and engagement of Specialist Consultants in Highland farming systems, Agro-forestry, Soil and water conservation, Animal production.

Earlier in the day Sema alongwith. Jt Secy & SPD of FOCUS-Nagaland, S. Tainiu met Jt Secy, Department of Economic Affairs, GoI, Manisha Sinha, to brief her of the FOCUS-Nagaland project and also discuss on the issue of Advance Grant from IFAD to which an assurance was given and as well as the inclusion of the new districts – Noklak, Peren and Tuensang – in the FOCUS project.

