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Kohima District Task Force (DTF) on COVID-19 dwelled on unlock-4 guidelines issued by the Ministry of India and State Government for effective implementation in the district during its meeting held in DC's Conference Hall, Kohima on 9th September 2020.

The meeting chaired by Deputy Commissioner and Chairman Kohima DTF, Gregory Thejawelie NCS was attended by Legislator in-charged of Kohima district, Minister for Mechanical and Housing, Tongpang Ozukum, Sr. S. P Kohima, K. Sophie and other DTF members. 

Besides the other given guidelines, the meeting discussed on streamlining the paid hotels for quarantine centres functioning under DC's Office Kohima as all categories of Hotels/Lodges are now permitted and allowed to operate as per the latest SOP. The meeting decided to continue the system of paid quarantine centres with some notified Hotels for the safety of everyone.

On the issue of transportation facility for returnees, the meeting decided to put up suggestions to be taken care by the Nagaland State Transport Department to the High Power Committee.

The meeting also deliberated on the issues of buses and local taxis, where ADC Kohima, Lithrongla Tongpi Rutsa informed the house that in regard to this a meeting was held recently with the concerned party and dissolved the rate of passenger fare with certain instructions. It also took up the issues of shortage of manpower at Khuzama Check Gate, where it was decided to explore the possibility of manpower from other department.

In regard to re-opening of Max Bazar and NST Blue Market, T. Khel Market at Sokriezie Kohima, Indoor Table Tennis Stadium Officer Hill Kohima and Indoor Badminton Stadium Officers Hill Kohima the DTF decided to hold a meeting with concerned associations for re-opening.

Sr. Tourist Officer, Kohima T. Kakihe also shared his experiences as liasoning officer assigned at Agri. Expo site, Dimapur taking care of the returnees coming from outside the State for the past few months. He suggested to continue with the system of transportation till the new SOP is being issued and also stressed on the need to enforce the guidelines by imposing penalty to the defaulters.

(DPRO Kohima)