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Minister for Geology and Mining, Soil & Water Conservation V. Kashiho Sangtam and Advisor for School Education K.T. Sukhalu district incharge for KiphirevisitedSeyochung on April 30. They visited CHC for inspection and had brief meeting with the doctor and the medical team, 

The Minister thanked the team for their tireless effort and also told the administration to apprise them on difficulties faced.They also visited the quarantined centre set up at GHS Seyochung, where 20 bedded had been prepared by Block task force. 

The Minister and the Advisor had a brief meeting with the area elders, Seyochung GB Federation President and his colleagues, Sema-Sangtam joint community office bearers wheretheMinister stated that the government is doing its best to make things better, and also asked the community to cooperate with the administration and government to fight this global pandemic.

(DPRO Kiphire)