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A Joint meeting was held at DC's Conference hall Kiphire on 28th September 2021 with Niti Aayog Consultant, Madhu Banti Dutta.

Dutta stated that the main objective of her visit was to focus on all the socio-economic development and also to tackle the main problems facedby Kiphire District. Due to the pandemic situation, assigned work were not able to complete in the stipulated time but she assured that she will meet the higher authority  of Niti Aayog  for the development of the District. She also appealed to every department to express their problems and the things needed by them through her email accounts duttamadhubanti89@gmail.com.

Dutta said that she was so fortunate to visit the Aspirational District in Nagaland, which is surrounded by the natural beauty, and has the potentiality of preserving eco-tourism in the future. She will be visiting some of the villages where interactions will be held with the elders and to discuss the problems faced in the villages. She also stated that more funds are needed inorder to solve the problems in every aspect.

DC Kiphire, T.Wati Aier highlighted some of the projects that were completed and the ongoing projects that are being taking up at the Kiphire Town and in two sub-division, Seyochung and Pungro. Problems such as lack of technicians in the District Hospital, gynecologists, road & transportation problems were discuss in the meeting.


(Wangshikokla, IA Kiphire)