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A CAU Regional Agri Fair 2023-24 Input Distribution program was held on 14th December, 2023 at Expositional Hall, State Agri Expo, 4th Mile, Chumoukedima with Advisor, Agriculture, Mhathung Yanthan as the Special Guest.

Speaking on the occasion, the Special Guest stressed on how agriculture is now facing the brand of climate change. He pointed out that all the researchers, farmers, scientists, academics, govt. agencies have to come together to address and face these challenges, as it is our task where we have to put our heads together, evolve strategies in order to compact the challenges of climate change and climate variability.

He also pointed out that the agriculture system in the North East which is mostly shifting cultivation is not feasible anymore and therefore, he said we need to find an alternative farming system, different applicable cropping system and find varieties which are suitable to local conditions. All these efforts have to be put in together with collaboration from established collaboration between the research organisation, academic Institute, universities and Colleges, he added. He further stressed that the concerned departments like ATMA, Agri & Allied Sector department have to collaborate to share knowledge, information, experiences and see what the best formula is and how do we adapt and mitigate the process of climate change.

In conclusion, he thanked the organiser for the spectacular and successful 3 days Agri Fair show held in Nagaland and informed them to be prepared for the North East Agri Expo next year.

Input Distribution by dignitaries informed that all the farmers of 7 NE States are divided into 27 groups, out of which 20 groups of farmers will be benefited with Agricultural & Horticultural Technological inputs and 7 groups of farmers will be benefited with Animal & Husbandry inputs. This year 27 groups of farmers covering all NE States include 800-900 farmers and 27 categories of inputs will be distributed to all the farmers.

Other highlights of Input Distribution Program included welcome speech by Director of Research, CAU, Imphal, Dr. LM Garnayak; vote of thanks delivered by DEE, CAU, Imphal and organizing Secretary, Prof. PH. Ranjit Sharma.


(Tovikali, IA, Chumoukedima)