In pursuance of the Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education, Government of India letter D.O. 1-56/2021-DIGED dated 9th September 2021, the Nagaland Board of School Education has notified for information of all the Heads of Registered Institution under NBSE to be aware of the ill effects of online gaming addiction/ abuse among the students. Online games can be found almost anywhere on any gaming platforms such as PCs, consoles and mobile devices. Online gaming can be accessed with the use of a phone or a tablet which is a common factor in online game addiction because children can easily play games anywhere anytime affecting their time for their school and social life. Moreover, the closure of schools due to the pandemic has increased use of mobile and internet by children. Playing online games leads to a serious gaming addiction which has been considered as a gaming disorder. Playing online games without restrictions and self limit leads to addiction and are eventually diagnosed with gaming disorder. Therefore, Heads of institutions are requested to share the concerns and sensitize the parents and teachers about the harmful effects of online gaming. For any untoward incidence, report can be made to National Helpline –