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Nagaland Directorate Ministerial Service Association (NDMSA) held its 3rd Biennial Conference cum General meeting at Capital Convention Centre, Kohima on 27th November, 2021.

President NDMSA, David Jemu, in his presidential address encouraged everyone to re-dedicate to be more diligent, dutiful and sincere towards entrusted responsibilities, wherever one is placed as public servant. He said that ministerial officials are the backbone and the pillars of departments, offices cannot be run without ministerial services. Henceforth, he urged the members to give importance in work culture and deal in a polite and vibrant way at workplace and public discourse as perfect example to follow suit.

He reminded all the members to be responsible towards the association and carried forward, as every single member is the sole responsible for sustenance of association even in the days to come. He also put forward and remind the competent authority of Government to kindly listen and consider the request and requirements without further delay as pleaded repeatedly from the pay structures to promotional zone.

General Secy. NDMSA, Keheipeu Sephe, in his brief report highlighted that the Association came into existence on 30th July,1975, whereby the cadre members of the Association comprise of the Directorates LDAs, UDAs, Asst. Superintendents, Superintendents and Registrar's totalling about 1480 members from 62 Directorates Offices in Nagaland. As of now there are 470 posts of UDAs and 681 posts of LDAs.

He mentioned that during the 1st meeting of the present executive which was held on 20th February, 2020, it was decided to pursue the previous long pending issues of Administrative Officer (AO) post and reduction of qualifying years of promotion as priority, which were quashed from cabinet cell and for which the association met the concerned officials several times and is expected that there will be a positive outcome within a short period of time. 

He further stated that the Association had meeting on 10th March, 2021 and deliberated on the issue related to the registrar post occupation by non-ministerial staff outside the parent department on deputation, whereby the executives assured them to uphold the service Rules of 2006, without over ruling in any case, as such practice will deprive promotional zone drastically. In this connection, the latest correspondence was made on 1st November, 2021.

Advisor, NDMSA, Botovi Sema, in his brief report pointed that the Association will be celebrating the Golden Jubilee soon but the achievement is no way near. Therefore, he requested all the members to be responsible in their respective departments for the betterment of the coming generation. He further, requested the members not to depend on office bearers only but to take equal responsibility and jointly work to achieved the demand we have put forward to the Government.

A new team of office bearers for the tenure 2021-2023 was inducted with I. Lanusanen Jamir, Superintendent, PHQ, as the president and Sendang Cho, UDA, Labour Commission, as the Vice - President.

The programme was chaired by Vice - President, NDMSA, Vilavotuo Vincent Sote. Supong Meren, Department of Taxes gave a brief report representing Dimapur Unit, NDMSA, While Treasurer Report was presented by Treasurer, NDMSA, Abel Tsopoe and vote of thanks was delivered by Keheipeu Sephe, General Secy, NDSMA.

                                                                                                            (Tovikali, IA)