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Legislator in-charge of Peren District COVID-19, Namri Nchang, Advisor for Water Resources and Minister for Higher &Technical Education & Tribal Affairs, Temjen Imna Along along with Leader of Opposition, T.R. Zeliang visited Peren on 21st May, 2020 and held a coordination meeting with Peren DTF, Department Officers, Civil Societies and Church Organizations of Peren District at DC Conference Hall, District Hq. Peren.

In the meeting, CMO Peren gave a brief report on the basic equipment available at Peren District designated COVID Hospital CHC Jalukie. He said basic requirements will increase as and when any eventualities related to positive case of COVID-19 arise in the District.

During the official visit, Imna Along said the safety of the District depends on the District Administration and all the stakeholders, therefore he called upon all the Civil Societies & Church Organizations to extend constant support to the District Administration in the fight against the pandemic. Irrespective of political parties, Along urged the gathering to work cohesively during COVID crisis and also made an appeal to the District Administration and Medical team that besides thermal screening, returnees from outside the State has to undergo proper test and they should not be immediately send to their respective village quarantine centres so as to avoid the spread of virus. In the course of meeting, Imna also suggested DC Peren who is also the DTF Chairman to create Peren District COVID-19 Whatsapp group inorder to remain in constant contact between the Legislator in-charge and Peren District COVID-19 DTF members.

Speaking in the meeting, T.R. Zeliang said we are fighting an unseen war and danger lies ahead of us, so we must not remain complacent during the fight against the pandemic. He further asserted, it is the responsibility of the Medical Department to protect the frontline workers and asked the Medical Department to organize sensitization and awareness program for Civil society leaders, Church leaders, Village leaders, Frontline workers as well as create their own quarantine guidelines for Peren at the earliest.

Advisor for Water Resources, Namri Nchang while addressing also appealed the gathering to maintain discipline and adhere with the guidelines issued by the Government. Further, he lauded the District Administration and also appreciated the Civil Societies and Church Organizations of the District for their unceasing support towards the District Administration and Medical Department during the crisis.

Later, the visiting team also had a short discussion with the DTF members and Peren District COVID-19 Joint Action Committee on how to go about when returnees from Chennai arrived.

(DPRO &IA, Peren)