National Oral Health Program Kohima conducted Training on “Importance of Oral Health” on 9th December 2023 at Zion House, Zubza for Sunday School Teachers of Sumi nAphuyemi Baptist Church, Kohima.
`Dr. Neingutunuo Angami, Dental Specialist Naga Hospital Authority, Kohima deliberated on the topic ‘Importance of Oral Health’ followed by an elaborate power point presentation on “Common Oral Diseases by Dr. Adiya Apon, Assistant Professor Nagaland Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Kohima. Dr. I .Simon Sumi, District Oral Health Officer emphasised on “Adverse Effects of Tobacco on Health” and gave a detailed demonstration on proper Tooth Brushing Techniques. Tooth brushes, Toothpastes along with IEC materials were also distributed during the training.
A total of 60 members participated in the program.
(Shahlong IA Jakhama)