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Sub Divisional Planning and Developmental Board, Bhandari, (SDPDB) meeting for the month of July was held at the newly inaugurated Summer House-Cum-Guest House, Bhandari on 8th July 2024.

MLA & Chairman, SDPDB Bhandari,  Achumbemo Kikon in his opening remark, welcomed new members to the house and  congratulated the newly elected Councillors who emerged successful in the recently concluded Urban Local Body (ULB) Election to the Town Council Bhandari. He also lauded the ADC & RO, Bhandari, Longdiba L. Sangtam and his team of officers for conducting the ULB election in free and fair manner with peaceful atmosphere. The long awaited Town Council election has become a reality, marked with new beginning ensuring more systematic and progress for the people, he said.

Deliberating on the performance of the Government School under the sub-division, Achumbemo Kikon cautioned the underperforming Schools with bad results to redeem themselves with good results to avoid action against them. The Chairman also cautioned and urged the Government officers to judiciously utilize all fund allocation effectively with transparency for the benefit of the people. Achumbemo requested Jacob Yanthan to focus more on the Yanmhon Village aspirational areas to link the farmers under APMC to provide opportunity to export their organic agricultural produces within and outside the state. Earlier, Achumbemo Kikon also inaugurated and unveiled the Plague of the newly constructed three rooms summer House-cum-Guest House, Bhandari constructed under LADP Iconic Project 2023-2024.

During the meeting various departments presented action plan for implementation of government schemes for the SDPDB aspirational villages of Yanmhon village areas and highlighted their plans and activities.

Child Development Project Officer (CDPO), Bhandari highlighted the department's on-going activities of conducting nutrition month, seminars and awareness Campaign for pregnant women, lactating mothers and girl child for their health benefit and wellbeing.

BDO, Bhandari presented work projection for the financial year 2024 - 2025 for the Aspirational villages of the Yanmhon Village areas.

Presenting on action plan CMO, Bhandari appealed for continuous cooperation from the public to support its intensive effort to prevent and control possible spread of Malaria and Dengue fever during the monsoon period and further appealed the community to conduct weekly Cleanliness drive.

SDO PWD, R&B also informed that improvement work under annual maintenance plan is in progress in the foothill areas including widening of road from 1 lane to 2 lanes in some Sections of the foothill road.

SDO (Power) department stated that shortage of manpower needs to be addressed and highlighted some challenging aspects in maintaining uninterrupted power supply  and requested the MLA and Chairman SDPDB, Bhandari, the district administration and public leaders to coordinate and come up with a solution for efficient power supply.

Managing Director & CEO, State Agricultural Produce & Livestock Marketing Board (SAPLMB) Dimapur, Nagaland, Jacob Yanthan presented a brief overview of Nagaland State Agricultural Produce & Livestock Marketing and stated that under the Board, 22 APMC and more than 1100 village Marketing Committee have been constituted covering all the 16 districts of the State of Nagaland. He also stated that Bhandari has also constituted an interim Committee of 15 members under APMC to link up farmers.

The board also acknowledged Zachamo Kikon of Yimpang village, the head teacher of Government Middle School, Old Ralan for enrolling and sending his son to this particular Government School. Accordingly, the house resolved to recommend or nominate him for the State and National Teachers’ Awards for his dedication.

Rev. Longshithung Lotha, Pastor, Baptist Church, Bhandari Town dedicated the Summer House-Cum-Guest House with a prayer.

(APRO Bhandari)