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Nagaland Power Solutions & Machineries outlet and authorised dealer of Honda India Power Products Ltd. (Sales, Services & Spare parts) was officially inaugurated on 24th July 2024.

Speaking as a Special Guest at the inaugural program, Nagaland State Chief Information Commissioner, I. Meyionen Jamir lauded the proprietor, Imsujungla Jamir for taking a strong initiative and venturing out into a business against the backdrop of unemployment crisis in the state where 71,322 job seekers were registered as on 31/03/2024. Onen also acknowledged the representatives from the Honda Company for having trust and recommending Imsujungla Jamir to become the Official Authorised dealer of the company's products.

Short speeches on behalf of the Honda Company was delivered by Chief Manager Honda, Pranmoy Bordoloi and Deputy Manager Honda, Rupam Ojha, followed by display of Honda company products.

Nagaland Power Solutions & Machineries, a Honda product outlet is located near Nagaland Hospital Authority Kohima. The company products include Brush Cutters, Tillers, Water Pumps, Lawn Mowers and Portable Generators etc.


(Khekiye IA, DIPR)