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At Kiphire, World Breastfeeding Week was observed under the Theme "Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding support for All" at District Hospital Conference hall, Kiphire on 2nd August 2024.

Dr. Thritingla Sangtam Sr. Specialist Obs & Gynae spoke on the Importance of Breastfeeding. She said that, Breastfeeding supplies all the necessary nutrients in the proper proportions. It protects against many diseases like allergies, sickness, obesity, diabetes, cancer and like ear infection. Breast milk provides all the food and drink that a baby needs for around first six months of life and helps the baby to keep healthy and strong.

She also said that, Breastfeeding within one hour of birth, products the new born from acquiring infection and reduces newborn mortality. She also urged all the Mothers present in the program to breastfeed their babies according to health experts. Breastfeeding is the healthiest option for both mother and baby, and nothing can supplement breast milk feeding, she added.

Short speeches were delivered by EAC Kiphire, Kudazo and CDPO Kiphire, S. Yesumong Sangtam, followed by handing out of hamper to the participating mothers. Invocation was pronounced by Holika K. Swu.

Earlier, welcome address was delivered by Dr. Yelo T. Mero DPO (UIP/RCH) and the program culminated with a vote of thanks by Jully Sumi, BPM. The program was chaired by Dr. Dheni Sangtam, Epidemiologist CMO Office Kiphire.


(Tsoinyu, IA Kiphire)