iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

DC Kiphire Sarita Yadav convened a meeting with regard to opening places of worship for public which was attended by representatives from all the faith based organisation attended the meeting.

Medical department informed on categories of people who are vulnerably susceptible to get Covid-19 disease. DC SaritaYadav informed that an order was received from higher authority to sensitize faith based organisation. She said that under new SOPs wherein relaxation were given to open places of worship, only 30 percent attendees will be sanctioned maintaining social distancing of 6 feet at any point of time, and allotted time would be from 5:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m. She advised all to keep sanitisers/ thermal scanner at the ingressions.

 USBLA Secretary Dr. Apise stated that every civil societies and religious bodies must adhere with the authorities and endeavor to make the district Covid Free. All Baptist Churches in town will remain closed till further order as apprised by the Pastor. As per their representative, Catholic churches has expressed to remain closed till next order.

The following were discussed by members:-

  1. Only asymptomatic persons will be sanctioned to attend places of Worship. 
  2. The members additionally decided to preclude
    1. physically contacting of statues
    2. choir singing
    3. physical contact/handshake
    4. sprinkling of Holy water
    5. Sharing of  Prasad
  3. The members additionally discussed on points to be followed:
    1. Utilization of face Mask to be indispensable
    2. Alcohol - predicated hand sanitisers to be arranged
    3. Seating arrangements to be made in such way that adequate physical distance is maintained in.
    4. Respiratory ettiquettes are to be followed and expectorating will not be sanctioned.
    5. Place of worship should be disinfected between programs as per protocol
    6. Posters/ Awareness materials are exhibited prominently in a local dialect.


(DPRO and IA Kiphire)