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Advisor, Horticulture Government of Nagaland, Mhathung Yanthan launched a project "Seeds of love" on 25th August 2020 in the office premises of DHO Dimapur at Green Park Dimapur. The project initiated by Entrepreneurs Guild is an outcome of the group's social contribution during the present pandemic.

Speaking at the launching Programme as a special invitee, Mhathung expressed appreciation to the Entrepreneurs Guild for coming up with a novel venture in the form of distributing seeds and saplings to the community.

Observing that most of the Nagas show interest in farming, Yanthan noted that only the spark for arousing the interest of the people was missing. Congratulating the Entrepreneurs Guild for the wonderful venture Yanthan remarked that such initiatives supplements the efforts of the department when the lives and normal routine of the people are thrown out of gear due to the present global pandemic. He felt that the example of Entrepreneurs Guild ought to be emulated and encouraged them to take it forward.

Seeds of Love Project Director, Watila, said that the group came up with the idea of encouraging people for helping oneself by growing one's own vegetables at one's own backyard. “The concept is to share seeds or saplings to friends, families and neighbours in order to promote and encourage each other for kitchen and backyard gardening towards self sufficiency and grow organically for better nutrition”, Watila maintained.

As the first phase of Seeds of love Project, the group distributed saplings (Tomato, Brinjal, Bottle gourd, Houttuynia Cordata) to around 100 beneficiaries across the length and breadth of DImapur district. 

The 2nd phase of the project will be distribution of seeds during winter, she informed. Further, Watila said that they will be monitoring the beneficiaries to see the success rate of their Seeds of love Project.

The Project was initiated by Entrepreneurs Guild in association with Department of Horticulture, Government of Nagaland and Central Institute of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture.

(DPRO Dimapur)