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A review meeting on the entire activities undertaking at Dzükou valley was held today the 4th January 2021 under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner and Chairman DDMA, Mohammed Ali Shihab A IAS in his office chamber on 4th January 2021. SP Kohima, Manoj Kumar; ADC Kohima, Lithrongla Tongpi Rutsa, DFO Kohima, Raj Kumar and other officials also attended the meeting.

Reviewing on the ongoing activities at Dzükou, DC & DDMA Chairman informed that the situation was more or less under control on 4th January. The activities of fire line cutting was carried out in full swing while 4 (four) India Air Force (IAF) helicopters, two helicopters from Rangapahar Military Station and two from Dimapur Civil Airfield were on Bambi Bucket operations to contain the inferno. A total of 14 sorties with 28000 litres of water was dropped today making a total of 56 sorties with 75000 litres of water till date. He informed that the Air Force will be operating from sunrise to sunset tomorrow also to contain the spread of fire.

DC further informed that as per the IAF assessment the fire was well within control and may be able to achieve 100% by tomorrow. He also expressed his optimistic that within a day or two the fire situation will be fully under control. India Air Force is doing the entire operation in coordination with Nagaland State Govt, DC Kohima, Indian Army, Dimapur Civil Airfield, Indian Oil Corporation and Assam Rifles.

DC also informed that Addl SP Kohima along with SDO Civil Jakama went to khuzama to assess the spread of fire from Dzükou Valley. NDRF personnel along with police from Manipur were also reportedly seen at the site of the incident coordinating the situation.

In today's operation, DC informed that a total of 78 personnel were engaged in the operation to contain the fire, which included 17 Kohima police personnel, 10 personnel from 4th NAP, 05 from Forest and 46 NDRF personnel (including those stationed at base camp).

The Operation team except NDRF who are staying back at the base camp have returned back to Kohima. Operation will continue again tomorrow with the teams departing Viswema Dzukou entry point at 5 am.

After the meeting, Deputy Commissioner also briefed the entire Dzükou Fire status to Commissioner of Nagaland, Rovilatuo Mor IAS.

(DPRO, Kohima)