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The District Administration in collaboration with Medical Department and DDMA conducted mock drill on COVID-19 on 29th April 2020 at District Hospital Wokha.

ADC, Wokha K.Mhathung Tsanglao, while briefing before the start of the drill, said, the objective of conducting the exercise is to assess our preparedness level in district while managing patients or persons coming in contact with the virus.

The mock exercise was divided in to six different categories, Green ward-mild disease, yellow-moderate disease, orange- severe disease, red ward (ICU)- very severe disease and black ward- handling of deceased patient.

Sister Athungbeni, demonstrated on hand hygiene, doffing and donning of PPE while Dr.Weimeri highlighted on Dos & DON’Ts in ICU during the mock exercise.


(DPRO & IA, Wokha)