iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

The Directorate of School Education has informed that Heads of all Government Schools
functioning within the State of Nagaland has been directed to ensure the following:
1. No teachers serving under their establishments engage proxies against them under any
2. Photographs of all Teaching Staff along with names imprinted/affixed are displayed
prominently in the Staff Room/School premises.
3. All Teachers/Staff sign in the Attendance Register in the same manner as they have
appended their signature in the Service Book/Joining Report.
All DEOs/Sr. SDEOs/SDEOs are directed to conduct surprise checking at schools under
their jurisdiction and ensure that no proxies are engaged by any staff.

Further, attention of all School Heads and DEOs/Sr. SDEOs/SDEOs is drawn to Rule 4
(2) (i) of the Nagaland Government Servants Conduct Rules, 1968. It is reiterated that in the
event of detection of engagement of proxies by any school staff during the surprise checks
conducted by Officials of District Administration and Directorate of School Education, in
addition to initiating disciplinary action against those teachers engaging proxies, disciplinary
action will also be initiated against the concerned School Heads and DEOs/Sr. SDEOs/SDEOs
for violation of the aforesaid Rule.