In view of the forthcoming General Election, polling personnel from Kiphire District were deployed to 20 polling stations on 25th February 2023.
Deputy Commissioner & DEO Kiphire, T Wati Aier encouraged all the personnel to be very careful and sincere and reminded them that, unlike the previous elections, Electors will not be allowed to use the voter slip for identification.
General Observer Dr. Sridhar Babu Addanki, IAS also lauded the team for enthusiastically preparing for the Poll. He reiterated that on the polling day if any doubt or problems arise they should consult the Sector Magistrate and right after the voting process is over they should not be in a hurry and all the required formats must be completed before moving out. He also appealed to them to follow the ECI norms to have a peaceful and successful Election.
(DPRO & Wangshikokla, IA Kiphire)