iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

The urgently needed quarantine centre at IG stadium has been prepared to be operational from 4th June 2020. The Multipurpose hall and badminton court at IG stadium has been converted into a temporary quarantine centre since 27thMay for renovation and transformation of the structure to a comfortable dormitory for the returnees.

The quarantine centre has been divided into cubicles which will be able to accommodate a total of around 470 people approximately. The centre has been provided with proper lavatories as well as electrifications and running water for the easement of the returnees. It is also to be noted that the government will be providing food free of cost including all the basic essentials.

Different departments set up under various committees have been in action and sacrificing as the front liners since the pandemic began, officers from various levels has walked out of their comfort zone working tirelessly under different circumstances with workforce shortage to handle the large no of returnees. The District Task Force will take the charges for maintenance and streamline the returnees from different states at the quarantine centre.

It’s is also laudable to mention that different Churches will volunteer to manage the ‘Common Kitchen’ to help cater to their needs.

(Siizo IA)