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The full text of the statement on COVID-19 as given by the Spokesperson for State Government of Nagaland & Minister for Planning & Coordination Neiba Kronu is as follows:

“My dear citizens of Nagaland

Good evening,

I am going to give a briefing on the COVID-19 situation in the State as on the 7th of April 2020.

Today the Cabinet in its meeting reviewed in detail the preparedness of the Health Department of the State for COVID-19. The Department was asked to further strengthen and bring about improvements, so as to cover all the gaps that may be still existing in its overall preparedness for preventing and managing COVID-19 in the State.

The Principal Director, Health & Family Welfare, and his team visited Phek and Wokha districts today. He assessed the preparedness on COVID-19 and interacted with all the concerned officers in both the districts.

I would also like to inform that the State Government is fast tracking the establishment of a BSL 3 lab at NHAK, Kohima, and a BSL 2 lab at CIHSR, Dimapur which will help in testing the samples of the suspected cases in the State itself.

As on 5:00 pm today, the total number of samples of suspected cases sent for testing from the State is 61. The results of 48 have been received till now and they are all negative. The results of 13 samples are awaited.

A total of 5069 persons have signed up in the ncovid-19 Nagaland App till now, where 3590 persons have self declared their details and 1479 are with incomplete details.  I once again, appeal those who have entered the State after 6th March, 2020 to self register in the App with your full details and further if anyone develops cough, fever or difficulty in breathing, they can login and update themselves or call the helpline numbers.

Today is the 14th day of the lockdown and all our citizens deserve our fulsome praise for their continued support for the various lockdown measures.

While thanking all our citizens I would also like to inform all our farmers across the State that farming operations are exempted from the lockdown provisions. This being the sowing season, our farmers may hence as per the need, come out of their homes, go to the fields and carry out all the essential farming activities, while maintaining social distancing.

I conclude by seeking the cooperation of each and everyone in our fight against COVID-19.