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Zisaji Presidency College, Kiphire and in collaboration with Kiphire District Task Force on Covid-19 and 41 Assam Rifles, Kiphire organised a Covid-19 vaccination drive cum awareness camp on 28th June, 2021 at Zisaji Presidency College, Kiphire.

DIO, Kiphire, Dr. K Pewezo Khalo, addressing the college students said that students must be good ambassadors on Covid-19 vaccination drive in disseminating the importance of vaccine to the community to stay safe from the pandemic. He also called upon the students to dispel the rumours on social media. Dr. Khalo also stated if any town or village gets 100 %  vaccinated the college, school and church will be allowed to open in that particular place. Further, he added that through our participation and community participation we can remove lockdown. He also stressed on the importance of Covid-19 vaccination certificate, stating that it will be helpful for the students who wants to study abroad.

Principal, Zisaji Presidency College said that it is the need of the hour to get vaccinated in the fight against the pandemic. He encouraged the teaching faculties and staff to avail vaccine during such a great opportunity.

A total number of 162 beneficiaries, both 18-44 years and 45 years& above, were vaccinated during the drive.

(Tsuthong, IA Kiphire)