iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)




The District Task Force, Wokha for COVID-19 has activated the following helpline numbers pertaining to COVID-19 in the District to respond to all types of issues/information pertaining to Covid-19:

WAR ROOM, WOKHA (24x7)- 9863663885,

DMM DISTRICT HOSPITAL, WOKHA- 7628832000 & 7085988559.

PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT UNIT- Lichumo Odyuo- 8974307797, Arhoni- 8837271699, Robin Ezung- 9862130514, Mhonbeni- 8787444200, Jessica Ezung- 9612947782

CLINICAL SUPPORT- Dr. Zubonthung Humtsoe- 7005505917 & Dr. Pithungo Kikon- 7005632851.

(Zubenthung, IA Wokha)