World Malaria Day was held at the CMO conference hall in Dimapur on 25th April 2023.
Deputy Commissioner and Chairman of DTF for Malaria Elimination Sachin Jaiswal said Malaria is a global concern however improvement was seen in the past few years. He also highlighted how malaria is spread and mentioned that besides other districts, Dimapur is the only District where in all 12 months, mosquitoes can be seen.
He said that in Dimapur, Malaria cases have been declining and he stressed the need to change to a cleaner environment and lifestyle. He also urged the department to be more creative and give more awareness programmes.
A brief highlight of the program was delivered by Peter Sangtam (District VBD Consultant). He stated that the Elimination of Malaria is to be done in all blocks by 2027, interrupting indigenous transmission of malaria throughout the district and preventing the re-establishment of local transmission of malaria in an area where it has been eliminated, and maintaining District malaria-free status by 2030 and beyond.
The Activities undertaken during this program were Early Diagnosis and radical treatment. Case-based surveillance like Active Surveillance, and SW surveys. ASHA performed the test on the individual in the villages, Passive Surveillance, or the Patient visiting HUs which provided free testing and treatment and Rapid response to any occurrence of Malaria Cases.
The programme was chaired by Dr. A Kavito Zhimomi (DPO CD-I/DSO), and the Felicitation of the best performing ASHAs was awarded to Latika, Katoli, and Kughali Achumi.
(Limatoshi (I.A, Dimapur)