iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

The Yimchungrü Elite Blog, a Watsapp based blog led by its Admins L. Shahoto Yimchunger, Dr. Tsukhumong, Keoshu in association with Tuensang Hills Accolade Society THAS contributed to Shamator Task Force for Covid-19 pandemic by donating a sum of Rs.25000/-(twenty five thousands) only, 10 PPEs, 600 NT Bibles from Gideon International, N95 Mask handed over to Lankonsen Tsanglao, ADC and Chairman Task Force for Covid-19 Shamator.

Earlier the YEB also reached out to Pungro Town Covid-19 with a sum of Rs.25000/-, 5 PPEs, 100/- Nos of NT Bibles from Gideon international, Rs.5000/- to Covid-19 Volunteers of Tuensang and Rs.50000/-and N95 Masks to Tuensang HQ. for Covid-19 contribution.

The YEB has thanked Q.L. Thronghokiu, the YEB Admin & auditor and all the members for coming forward selflessly and joined the common fight for Covid-19 cause. We also express gratitude to all Front line workers leaded by district administration, Health Workers, Police, NGOs & Volunteers across our district in particular and state as a whole.


(L.Shahoto Yimchunger, IA Shamator)