iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)
The office of the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), Nagaland organized a one day training programme through Virtual Mode on 24th September, 2021 for Electoral Registration Officers (EROs), Assistant Electoral Registration Officers (AEROs) and Assistant Election Officers (AEOs) in connection with conduct of Special Summary Revision of Electoral Roll with reference to 01.01.2022 as the qualifying date. There are 13 EROs, 60 AEROs and 10 AEOs in the State. The EROs/AEROs are administrative officers: ADCs/SDOs(C)/EACs. All the districts participated in the training. CEO, V. Shashank Shekhar appreciated the efforts of the Administrative and Election Officers while discharging their official duties. He reminded the officials that the Election Commission is monitoring the progress of various pre-revision and revision activities. He mentioned the important role of BLOs (Booth Level Officers) at the booth level. He also spoke on the importance of an accurate electoral roll in general. He stated that through the Election Commission’s SVEEP (Systematic Voters Education and Electoral Participation) programme, the voters in general and especially the new voters may be made more aware about the true spirit of democracy. The technical session on legal provision and procedures on electoral roll was conducted by Assistant CEO, Alila Chang and procedures on Forms processing in ERONet by users was taken by Kitoka, Programmer. Joint CEO, Rokuovituo Khezhie gave the welcome address and Deputy CEO, Awa Lorin proposed the vote of thanks. The IT initiatives of the Election Commission were also explained during the training. These include the Garuda app through which the latitude/longitude, photos and AMF (Assured Minimum Facility) of the polling booth are being uploaded and the VHA (Voter Helpline App) through which the voter can apply online for inclusion, deletion, correction and transposition of his name in the voters list. (DIPR)