iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)



In partial modification to the P&AR Department's Office Memorandum No. AR-3/GEN 174/2007 (Pt) dated 29th August 2019; the Government of Nagaland has further reviewed the policy for relaxation of the qualifying years of service for promotion to the post of Head of Department as follows:

  1. Since the post of Head of Department cannot be kept vacant, the following proviso to the OM No. No. AR-3/GEN 174/2007 (Pt) dated 29th August 2019 is added whereby, subject to the satisfaction of all related conditions, an Officer in the immediate lower rank, on completion of 6(six) months regular-service in the grade, may be promoted on officiating-basis as Head of Department with the prior clearance of the P&AR Department.
  2. It is reiterated again that in accordance with The Nagaland Rules of Executive Business, 2020 PART III regarding Departmental Disposal of Business (A)-General, Clause 34(1) sub clause (ix) (e), the proposal for the appointment of Head of Department shall be submitted to the Chief Minister through the Chief Secretary for his approval before issue of such appointment order.