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            The District Administration and District Level Centre for Women-Mahila Shakti Kendra, Kiphire jointly organised public speaking contest at DC's Conference Hall on 10th April 2021. The themes for the contest were:

  1. Challenges faced by Women of Kiphire District.
  2. The rise of Women is not about the fall of men.
  3. Gender balance is not solely a Women's issue, but also an economic issue

            In the Class IX to XII category, the 1st position was won by Thingrila A Sangtam and 2nd & 3rd prices were won by Chumtila and Thsipongla L Sangtam respectively. All the three winners are from Saramati View Modern School, Kiphire.

            In the other category, the 1st position was won by Thrilela I Sangtam while Angali T Sumi and Sekhumla K Sangtam won the 2nd & 3rd position respectively. All the winners are from Zisaji Presidency College, Kiphire. Altogether, 40 students participated in the competition.

            The event moderator was District Coordinator, Mahila Shakti Kendra, Kiphire, Visuthong T. The judges of the competition were BDO Longmatra Block Dr. Ezao L Ezung, Nekhotsolu Chozho, Assistant Professor, ZPC and Imlikokla, Graduate Teacher, GHSS, Kiphire.


                                                                                                (Tsuthong, IA Kiphire)