In exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (3) of section 3 of the Environment Protection Act, 1986 and in pursuance to the Notification dated September 14, 2006 of the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests, the Central Government vide gazette notification dated October 20th 2020 has notified the constitution of State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) for Nagaland.
The committee comprises of the following members, namely:
- I. Panger Jamir, IFS
Retd PCCF and HoFF, Nagaland - Chairman
- T. YangerAo,
Retd Chief Engineer, Irrigation and Flood Control - Member
- Addl PCCF (Environment and Climate Change) - Member Secretary
The Authority will function from the office of the PCCF and HoFF, Upper Forest Colony, Kohima.
The Authority shall exercise such powers and follow such procedures as specified in the above-mentioned notiication (as amended from time to time).